The farther we go. The behinder we get.
Technology- Our present day advancements are fantastic. Medicine- Our abilities for cloning, manipulating DNA, combining different life...
Not too long ago I saw a commercial for a popular brand of fishing line. In the commercial, you see several fishermen reeling in big...
What up with the prodigal son?
I've heard the prodigal son explained in many ways. Different people substituted for the characters in the parables. But I don't think...
Why did the disciples die?
In my last Sunday school class (4th and 5th graders), we looked at the disciples. All except John are believed to have died a martyrs...
Are you truly free?
We recently celebrated our country's independence. Many see it as the day we celebrate our nation's freedom. Independence was declared...
Are we trying to become gods?
Recently some friends and I were talking about abortion. We agree how wrong it is to perform abortions. God has created a life and we are...
Sins of our fathers
In the past our fathers saw sin as something to turn from and with God strengthening us to not allow in our lives. Now we hear sermons...