Hebrews Chapter 11
What has God called you to be?
Have you done things your way for the Lord and asked Him to bless them?
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This is the good news of what God is calling us to do.
So many times we do things our way and ask God to bless it. What we should be doing is submitting our life to Him and say "Lord, I'm going to do it your way. With you. With your power. Whatever you want. Lead and I will follow."
The servants you see here are not perfect. They are faithful. And that is what God is saying He wants you to be.
Faithful for living for the eternal things. Faithful for what God wants. Faithful for loving Jesus with all your heart. With all your mind, faithful. With all your strength, faithful. In your marriage, faithful. With your kids, faithful. Loving them, faithful. Modeling Christ to them, faithful. Seeking God in prayer, faithful. Seeking Him in the Word, faithful. Faithful in your giving. Faithful in your serving. Faithful in loving Him. Faithful in repenting.
When everyone else is giving up, faithful. When everyone else is quitting, faithful. When all hell is breaking loose, faithful. When you don't know how to stand anymore, faithful.
Say, I will be faithful. My God will not let me down!!
Faithful day and night. And one day, faithful will become fruitful!