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Mark 12

Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. But do you feel as though you couldn't love someone like that? Not even God. Our hearts seem to have a million other desires, our souls often only think of ourselves, our minds are easily distracted, and we seem to lack strength. So many earthly attractions demand our time, attention, and energy. As a result, we often fail to focus on the One who is truly worthy of our love and devotion.

So how can we obey this Great Commandment?

In any relationship, love develops as we learn to know and appreciate the other person. So our starting place for loving God should be learning and knowing who He is. The Old Testament provides insight to His nature, power, and love, but the most understandable relatable picture we have of God is His Son. When we examine Jesus’ character, words, and actions in the Gospel accounts, we see and understand the heavenly Father more clearly.

The second reason to love God is because of what He has done. He’s not only our Creator but also our Savior. Through Jesus, the Father has rescued us as beleivers from eternal destruction. We’ve been transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His Son and made heirs with Christ 

What distracts you from seeking to know and love the Lord?

Have you carved time out of your busy schedule to read His Word and talk to Him in prayer? By doing this, you’ll discover that the saying “to know him is to love him,” will prove true of your amazing God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Silent Worship and Meditation
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