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Romans 8

Have you ever had to face separation from someone?

Friendships end. Children grow up and move away. Divorce. The ultimate separation, death.

And the effects can be devastating.

But what would it be like to be separated from someone who loves you more than you can imagine?

Someone that has given their life for you. So that you may live. Eternally. With Him. In paradise. 

All you have to do is say yes.

Yes to the fact that you are a sinner. Yes to knowing that he has died for you, to pay the price required for your sin. Yes when asked if Jesus is your Lord and Savior.



Paul asks us some questions. Here is a cheat sheet so you can't say you didn't know the answers.

Verse 31: No one can be successfully against us — no one.

Verse 32: God will supply everything we need — even when all seems lost.

Verse 33: No one can make a charge stick against us in the court of heaven — no matter who accuses us.

Verse 34: No one can condemn us.

Verse 35: No one and nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.



 Embracing the sovereignty of God brings strength and hope in the most difficult of times.

Nothing can separate us

Richard Jensen

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